lylah rose wolff's blog

Nicole's Winter Photo Session / 2016

I'm home in Cleveland for winter break, which basically just means I have an excuse to stay in bed all day watching The Office on Netflix and showering my dog in love. As fun as that is, I do like to occasionally leave my cave (gasp!!!!) and hang out with all of my best friends from high school. Nicole and I have shot together plenty of times and the sessions always go so well; we're both art people so I'd like to think she gets my ~vision~ and I get hers. I feel pretty lucky that I get to spend time doing what I love with the people I love. 

I'm also very excited that these are the first photos I've ever processed using Lightroom!! I've been wanting to learn Lightroom for quite a while now especially given that virtually every photographer who's coloring I lust after happens to use it, so this break I decided to teach myself the ins and outs. I'm still getting used to it, and I feel like there's about 7,000 different doors that I have yet to open in the world of Lightroom, but I'm having fun with the 3% that I do know how to use thus far!