Steph's Little Italy Photo Sessin
THE FIRST THING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT STEPH is that she has the most contagious laugh in the world. If you haven't caught on yet, I've spent this break using my photography as a means to connect with my older friends and it's been wonderful so far. I haven't seen Steph for a while now, but every single time we get back together to hang out we end up reminiscing about the amount of times we've bursted into laughter at such inappropriate moments (senior year chem class comes to mind...), and it makes me so thankful to have had the community around me that I did in high school.
Today's mini session started off at Rising Star, a wonderful coffee shop in Little Italy in Cleveland. We caught up for a while and then started shooting, and Steph's coffee mug was the guest star in most of her photos haha. We then went over to one of my favorite spots outside for a bit. The weather was horrible but Steph smiled (and laughed) through the pain of what felt like -100º winds. She was such a great model and I'm so happy to have spent the day with her!